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Google Groups Archive Mover

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Google Groups Archive Mover

The core of the code is from one of the examples of the Google Admin-SDK Groups Migration API developer page, and the examples of the mailbox python module.

Creates a Google Admin-SDK Groups Migration API service object and inserts all mail in an mbox into a group.

Inserts all mail in an mbox into a google group's archive.

Note, this was written to solve a problem. Migrating a listserv, which generates archives that are very mbox like, and can be made an mbox with a simple edit, to google groups. The archives turned out to uniformly not have message-id's, which is bad.

If it didn't write for some reason, like a bad message, we really didn't care. So there's a lot of cleanup that can be done. Code contributions accepted. I'm posting this brute-force solution because I didn't see any other examples out there that were "pay us to do it for you," and if you're looking at this, you're probably like me, and capable of taking this thing and tweaking it to what you need and never needing it again. Note this is also the first python I've done from scratch that didn't involve the words hello and world.